Bridgestone Mystery at the bottom of the Baltic Sea
Mystery at the bottom of the Baltic Sea
Mystery at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

The crew of the Ocean X Team seeks to unravel the mystery of a cylindrical object resting by 90 m depth in the Baltic Sea.

The crew of the Ocean X Team seeks to unravel the mystery of a cylindrical object resting by 90 m depth in the Baltic Sea.

“The divers are down and the site investiguent. Reports from the ship said they were really surprised. There really is something unusual on the seabed”. This is the last post of the logbook of the vessel Ocean Explorer launched on 7 June on the internet. The mysterious cylindrical object resting by 90m base in the Baltic Sea, between Sweden and Finland, he will reveal his true nature at last in front of the Ocean X divers Team who began their explorations beginning in June, equipped with remote-controlled cameras ?

Long, Explorers, lovers of mystery or UFO fascination for this strange image obtained from sonar (the sonar is an apparatus using the particular properties of the propagation of sound in water to detect and locate objects under water) on which there are an odd shape approaching that of “Millennium Falcon spaceship from Star Wars”, Some observers note.

What is behind this form ? For Cartesian, explanations are multiple: simple roughness of the ground, gas fireplace appeared naturally, Russian warship of the 19th century or even meteor. But for other, including the crew of the Ocean X Team, As the mystery has not been raised, the door remains wide open imagination.